Davis Campus Parking Lot Closures and Bus Detours on August 6

August 5, 2016

Please be advised that bus lines routed through Sheridan’s Davis campus will experience slight detours tomorrow, Saturday August 6th, including relocation of bus pick‐up/drop off stops during the construction of the new Davis Bus Loop. Please refer to the attached file for a map of the temporary route and bus stop. Regular routes and pick-up/drop off locations will resume on Sunday, August 7th.

Please also note that Student Lots P5 and P6 will be unavailable for the full duration of Saturday August 6.  Please be mindful of signage and correspondence posted campus‐wide with updates.

We’d like to thank everyone for your continued support and cooperation. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact constructionfeedback@sheridancollege.ca.

– Facilities Services and the Office of Security, Parking and Emergency Preparedness


From date:

To date:

Campus: Davis