Trafalgar Parking Lot 1A Partial Closure

July 6, 2016

As part of Sheridan’s Integrated Energy and Climate Master Plan (IECMP), Facilities Services and the Office for Sustainability will be completing the installation of a district energy system at both Trafalgar and Davis campuses. The work will involve installation of pipe in shallow trenches throughout both campuses, and is scheduled to take place between May 16, 2016 and August 21, 2016.  Each campus has been divided into work zones and, at various times, parking lots and roadways may be closed temporarily in order to complete the work.

Throughout the project, portions of Trafalgar Parking Lot 1A will be fenced off for equipment and material storage.  During this time, parking in these lots will be limited.  

As with all construction projects, there may be noise and temporary inconveniences at times.  In order to complete the work effectively and in a safe manner, pedestrian restrictions and detours may be required.  Please observe and respect posted signage.

To the extent possible, the specifics of road and parking lot closures, as well as bus terminal relocations will be communicated in advance along with detour routing and alternate parking.  The most up to date and specific closure information will be displayed on the notices pop-up on the homepage and on signage at parking lot entrances/exits. 

Facilities Services appreciates your patience with all of the construction activity.  If you have any questions or concerns about construction please don’t hesitate to contact Facilities Services at  For concerns related to parking, please contact Parking and Security at

Thank you, 

Facilities Services


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To date:

Campus: Trafalgar