Temporary Access by Daycare Trafalgar Campus, May 16 to May 18

May 16, 2018

Dear Sheridan community,

The asphalt pathway and curbs located east and north of the Childcare Centre at Trafalgar campus are being replaced starting Tuesday, May 14. This work is in response to safety concerns due to the deterioration of the pathway. The contractor expects the work to take 4 days assuming weather cooperates for the duration of the work. If weather delays occur, the laneway will be open with the west side of the road coned to indicate a construction zone.

This work will require the southbound one-way section of road to be closed for days 1,2, and 4 due to the equipment needed to attend to the adjacent pathway and curbing. During these times, the northbound one-way road (adjacent to A-wing) shall act as a two-way road with southbound traffic yielding to northbound traffic which will be indicated by signage. Barriers will be erected from the exit of the Morrison Creek pathway northward towards the concrete sidewalk (between A-wing and the Athletics complex) to ensure pedestrians coming out of the forest will not walk into the construction zone.

As with all construction, there will be noise associated with the work. Day 1 will be the most noticeable and the following days shall see a reduction in noise.

Please email constructionfeedback@sheridancollege.ca if you have any questions, concerns or comments regarding this work.

Thank you for your understanding,

Facilities Services

tra childcare paving traffic plan-May.15-18


From date:

To date:

Campus: Trafalgar